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Traveling to campus? We encourage you to use alternative forms of transportation such as carpooling, biking, walking or taking the bus. If you must drive, please adhere to U-M’s parking regulations (full descriptions can be found in the Regents’ Ordinance), which are designed to ensure public safety and to help manage our limited parking resources. Violating these regulations may result in a citation.

Please note: Paying and appealing parking tickets is handled by the city of Ann Arbor. As such, the links below will take you to external sites.

Parking enforcement officers enhance safety by:

  • Patrolling parking lots and structures daily
  • Reporting illegal activity
  • Keeping traffic lanes, driveways and emergency accesses open for medical, fire and police response units
  • Assisting motorists with jumpstarts, lost cars, wayfinding and more

Contact Us

Lt. Garry Forts

Parking Enforcement Supervisor
(734) 763-3434